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Marcotte Coaching is a professional soft skills development firm that helps professionals of all levels bridge the gap between themselves and with whomever they are communicating. The most vital anchor of that bridge starts with you. At Marcotte Coaching, we celebrate the value of self-awareness and what it can do to help you build positive, lasting relationships at work and beyond. From great presentations and audience management to emotional intelligence, team building, and personality agility - Marcotte Coaching is your place to better handle work's intangibles.


Soft skills are a combination of people skills, social skills, communication skills, character or personality traits, attitudes, career attributes, social intelligence, and emotional intelligence, among others, that enable people to navigate their environment, work well with others, perform well, and achieve their goals with complementing hard skills. The Collins English Dictionary defines the term "soft skills" as "desirable qualities for certain forms of employment that do not depend on acquired knowledge: they include common sense, the ability to deal with people, and a positive, flexible attitude."

Image by Glenn Carstens-Peters
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A 2017 Harvard University, Boston University, and University of Michigan's Ross School of Business recently teamed up to evaluate the effectiveness of soft skills training. After training a randomly selected group of laborers on a variety of soft skills they measured to see if this training produced real results on metrics such as productivity and retention. The findings proved a 12% increase in both productivity and retention, resulting in an amazing 256% ROI for soft skills training.



Additional studies have shown that despite the known ROI of implementing soft skills training as your place of business, there is also a misappropriation of money spent on soft skills development. The investment is worth it, as studies have proven.

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David Marcotte, the Head Coach of Marcotte Coaching, LLC, is a communication skills development specialist for corporate professionals. For nearly 20 years, through various topics such as presentation skills, storytelling, emotional intelligence, leadership, and team building, David has developed online and in-person learning to help professionals of all levels bridge the gap between oneself and others.

David has coached developers, presenters, demonstrators, and executives for several of the most important product launches, at some of the world’s largest corporations around the globe. David helps individuals organize, develop, craft, and perform messaging. Also, David works with individuals and teams to build and grow relationships with each other and their clients. David has received Korn Ferry’s prestigious certification to deploy and coach their powerful emotional intelligence 360° assessment. He has also achieved accreditation in SDI 2.0 strengths-based personal and team assessments and as an Emily Post Business Etiquette Expert.

David’s university training as an education major and, later, an acting major, has proven to be the perfect marriage of skills to help him thrive in the corporate coaching of soft skills. David’s approach to teaching communication skills is through the mindset of a professional actor and the eyes of an experienced director. This approach continues to be highly effective for creating engaging experiences and sustained change in his clients. 

As a working actor, David has performed at regional theaters in the US and extensively at theaters throughout his home city of Chicago. He has appeared in over 30 movies and nearly one-hundred commercials, voiceovers, and print ads. As a working musician, David plays drums and percussion with multiple Chicago-based bands, including his traditional Irish band, The Whiskey Brothers. In his spare time, David enjoys any chance he can to take a walk in the woods, and yes, golf counts as a “walk in the woods.” 

Ready to Learn More?

Contact us today! We can discuss your goals and diagnose your team’s needs in as little as a 30-minute call.

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