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Image by Glenn Carstens-Peters

When an organization invests in a conference, it usually comes with a hefty price tag. The audience, who generally spends a great deal of money to attend your conference, is mostly there to listen to the experts talk about your latest and greatest products and services. Too often, the most neglected line-item expense for corporate events is the investment in the speakers. Event speakers may be subject matter experts, but that doesn't mean they are experts in commanding a stage and inspiring an audience. So, why not provide your presenters with the skills needed to influence the audience's hearts and minds?

Imagine a team of your speakers going through speaker training together and then having a coach to help them prep content and perform with excellence in front of the audience. The Conference Performance Package is a top-rated offering, including David Marcotte's attendance at the conference for final preparations, staging, warm-ups, and even post-mortems.


It is a complete package to help you ensure your audience gets what they paid for and more.

Ready to Make Your Next Conference a Success?
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