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Image by Glenn Carstens-Peters

"If your success hinges on effective communication, call David Marcotte. Having recently completed David's Speaker Training course I highly recommend his services. David combines his formal training as an actor with effective coaching techniques. For example, video: top athletes and coaches rely on game footage to make improvements, and so does David. I walked away from the day with knowledge, practical tools and a framework for presenting that I know will yield improved results. Thanks David and thanks @Avalara for investing in its people." 


- Dov Pinker, Strategic Alliances, Avalara

 "David was knowledgeable in the subject matter and created a very positive and fun learning environment. Every member of my team found the training to be helpful and enjoyable--something that can't often be said of corporate training! Some weeks after we completed the course, I was making a presentation myself and called to ask David for pointers, and he enthusiastically agreed to help. Without reservation, I can recommend David and will gladly engage his services again when the need arises." 


- Eric Le Blanc, VP of Marketing, Tyson Foods

"David's instruction changed my life. This is not an exaggeration." 


- Kevin Kelly, Sales Leadership, Lifeboat Distribution

"I had the pleasure of working with David Marcotte, who provided training at the company I work at. David was simply amazing. I cannot sing his praises loud enough and I am honored to have been in his class. Although I have taught for a number of years, I learned an enormous amount and had a complete paradigm shift in how I prepare and present!"


 - Chris Brown, Business Program Manager, Microsoft Corporation

“I solicited David's help to build my confidence for an interview hosted over video conferencing. While I've certainly had my share of remote meetings, they've always made me feel anxious and self-conscious. Dave worked me through a lot of my anxieties and taught me easy, memorable techniques, based on my own personal struggles. Dave made preparing for this important meeting feel challenging in a good way, instead of daunting. I'm happy to say that today I received an offer with the organization I interviewed with, and Dave played a huge role in making that happen. I can't recommend his coaching and guidance strongly enough.


 - Nathan Robbel, Agile Coach, HERE Technologies

I have had the pleasure of attending over 10 professional courses that David has taught in a group setting. In addition, I’ve had the opportunity to utilize his expertise on several customized one on one trainings as well. Having a trainer background myself, I have yet to meet another individual with so much enthusiasm and talent for teaching. He is inclusive with his audience. David keeps his audience engaged and does it, what seems like, effortlessly. David makes challenging topics seem approachable. Even after several weeks and months I hear my colleagues still use the skills they’ve learned in David’s trainings and quote him. I’d like to extend a recommendation for David, as I believe he will make a big impact in any future endeavors he takes on. I also look forward on attending future courses with David.” 


 - Mariya Shudra, Mortgage Partnership Finance Account Manager, FHLB-Chicago

I had the pleasure of getting trained by David as preparation for our partner summit earlier this year. I highly recommend him. I was very reluctant at first given the tight schedule we had but this was time well spent - I'm grateful to my colleagues for literally pulling me into David's class! The time I spent with David has been invaluable to me and greatly contributed to the success of my presentations. His contribution to our team extended beyond the one-day training - he accompanied us throughout the rehearsals and gave feedback that made a huge difference.” 


 - Gabrial Michaud, CEO, Velixo Reports

David is an excellent trainer. I've been through his presentation skills training and it is by far the best training I've been in. It helped me be a better speaker but also helped me in how I approach things in my personal life. It made a huge impact in my life. I've used him to train many of my Microsoft speakers and the results have been over the top fantastic.” 


 - Pam Misialek, Director of Cloud Applications, Njevity

I truly cannot recommend a better speaker trainer/coach than David Marcotte. I have been in the high-tech professional event space for 20+ years and have yet to work with a stronger speaker coach than David. I could go on and on but will condense my feedback to a few key points relative to why I would hire him again in a heartbeat. 


1) He wins over even the most cynical. Most folks aren't excited about speaker training/coaching. Within the first hour of training he had the team transfixed, engaged, and best of all, having fun!  


2) He's a consummate professional. His approach is caring with a gentle touch of humor but make no mistake, David knows his stuff. His material was well prepared and easily consumable. I saw a consistent strong improvement in all of our speakers in terms of confidence, body language, and all up presentation skills. As a result, I believe the speaker scores received from our event were the highest ever directly due to David's coaching and onsite feedback (during rehearsals). 


3) He's a truly great person. David is beyond easy to work with, flexible, reliable, and passionate about everything he does. I feel very fortunate to have learned from David and feel my presentation at our event was the best I delivered not only because of what David taught me but also because I felt he really cared about my success. That's a unique quality and not easily found. 


In summary, thank you, David Marcotte! My team is already asking if you will be back to help us prep for our next annual event!” 


 - Michelle Gruening, Program Management, Swift Group

“I attended 2 day classes that David Marcotte taught at Wintrust. These were classes for public speaking in front of larger audiences or within a boardroom, and were classes for leadership development. I thought David Marcotte was excellent and provided hands on experience. The tips and tricks that he taught us are useful and can be applied to other settings, and not just large public speaking venues. They can help in smaller groups and meetings that executives have to participate in on a regular basis. The class was not intimidating. David made everyone feel very comfortable and willing to share and participate. I would highly recommend him to anyone who is interested in self-improvement and speaking in front of groups. 


- Ursula Moncau, President, Wintrust Financial Corporation

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